Never Say These Words to a Fly in a Coffee Shop

Alec Zaffiro
The Haven
Published in
3 min readNov 26, 2023


Fly, coffee shop, coffee
fly Unsplash

Holding my iPhone close to the machine, I kiss 3 bucks goodbye.


Another purchase. Another coffee. When will this cycle end?

“Order for Alec!”

My espresso comes out hot and ready as I scan the parlor for a place to sit.

That big leather chair looks cozy.

I start over.

In the process, I notice a fly buzzing across the wooden bar; it circles over, swirling in the illumination of the patio doors.

Barely batting an eye, I move to my seat and plop down in the recliner.

This is nice.

Once that “first sip feeling” hits, I drift into bliss, only for a moment, as the caffeine lifts my soul.

I look around and observe my fellow patrons. I wonder if they watch me when I’m not looking.

Conversation and old-timey tunes fill the background. I hear chatter to my left. Some blonde is using way too many hand-gestures near the bar.

I sit still, quietly, and blend in at the coffee shop.



Alec Zaffiro
The Haven

I write to think and organize my ideas. I like psychology, philosophy, and self-improvement—em dashes are my specialty. Not an expert.*