New and Updated Guidelines for the 30-Day Writing Challenge

When you’re still a newbie and can’t deliver quality writing

Smillew Rahcuef
The Haven


Photo by Igor Rodrigues on Unsplash

30-day writing challenges became increasingly popular in the last two years on Medium. It’s mainly linked with the afflux of newbie writers willing to make it big like Tim Debig — name slightly altered to fit the rhyme.

Here’s a graphical illustration:

Data provided by Yahoo. The graph — by the author — displays Bitcoin’s price evolution when it was still sexy.

The newbie fallacy

Newbies have a natural tendency to fall into a fool’s choice. They think pro writers choose between quantity and quality; when, in fact, they’re choosing to do both at the same time. They call it work.

As a newbie, it’s a pretty good strategy to forego quality. Almost by definition, newbies cannot produce quality writing. The exception being fake newbies. They have already written millions of words somewhere else than whatever platform they’re new to.

Quantitatively speaking, quality’s overrated.

To shine on the quantity scale — and forget about the quality — go for a 30-day writing challenge and follow these…



Smillew Rahcuef
The Haven

One day I will stop writing on Medium. Read my stories while you can.