New Film “Exactly What Society Needs to See”

“Wow, this is so accurate to society today”

Brandon Diehl
The Haven
2 min readJan 19, 2022


Image from Unsplash

Last Friday, the film Co-Society released in cinemas to a very successful opening weekend both critically and financially. The film follows a young man making his way through life, realizing society isn’t all that meets the eye.

Many critics love the unapologetic realism of the story. “A profound, realistic tale that really makes you think.” “Anyone can relate to this story.” “This is exactly what audiences needed to see this year.”

One audience member told us “This movie really made me think. It showed some harsh truths about society that we really needed to hear right now.” When asked to elaborate, they said “You know, that things are bad, and something needs to be done about it so we can fix it.”

Director Walter Alexander has long been a large advocate of societal reform. During press, Alexander said “I hope audiences find this film thought-provoking and take these lessons and apply them to their own lives. When we wrote it, we said ‘okay, let’s make something that really makes people think and that people need to see’, and I think we’ve achieved that.”

Alexander has been an activist for many years, speaking out on things like workplace equity and the growing wage gap, but he is most well-known for his criticism of money. “People rely on money so much, yet they always spend it on useless things like overpriced entertainment and things that waste their time.”

Tickets for Co-Society are on sale now, starting at $14.99.

