Nine Steps for Forgiving Someone Who Hurt You

Advice from the life coach banging your wife.

Brian Abbey
The Haven


Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Step 1: Stop Blaming Others for Your Pain

Someone may have hurt you, but they cannot make you feel anger or sadness. You choose how to process your emotional state. When you’re tempted to point the finger, remember other people have no control over your feelings just as you can’t control who they love.

Step 2: Take Responsibility for Your Part

When life takes an undesirable turn, it’s easy to say ‘It’s not my fault,’ but we choose the rough patches that come into our lives in order to grow. Ask yourself, why you wanted this to happen and focus on the many ways you played a part in creating your reality.

Step 3: Let It Go

Listen with an open heart when someone shares their opinions, even if you don’t want to hear them. Surrender your compulsion to try to change their mind or ask them to give things another try. As Lao-Tzu says:

When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.

Step 4: Convince Yourself to Move On

Life will have painful moments in which people hurt you. Maybe the hurtful act was an…



Brian Abbey
The Haven

expat, ex-philosopher, ex-entrepreneur writing on society, relationships, & AI singularities. VICE, Salon, & misc humor sites @brianabbey