Number Support Group

Moyosore Quadri
The Haven
5 min readDec 1, 2020


Photo by Paul Bergmeir on Unsplash

When you have mastered numbers, you will in fact no longer be reading numbers, any more than you read words when reading books. You will be reading meanings. – W.E.B. Du Bois

Hello everyone, I am Dr. Susan Van Cliff. I will be your moderator for this process. Before we start, I’d like to reiterate why we are here and what we seek to achieve.

The human race has been unfair to many things on our planet, even creations borne out of our sheer ingenuity, like numbers! Especially numbers! Like it or not, over the years, numbers have come to have their own voice and it’s time we heard it.

This is a safe space, just let us know…let me know what’s on your mind, whatever it is, nothing is off the table. There’s a small pamphlet underneath everyone’s seat, it contains well thought out phrases to say to show support to the speaker.

Okay! who would like to go first?

3: Hi, I’m 3, some of you may know me from my other works as a cool kid’s ‘E’ or ‘B’

All: Hi 3

3: I think it’s fair to say that I’m pretty important in the numeric order and I’d like to think that I handle myself well. However, no one would ever



Moyosore Quadri
The Haven

Fiction | Poetry | Satire | Tomfoolery | Creative Non-Fiction; Master of none.