Oh How I Shall Miss Government Mandated Personal Space

One thing about the COVID-19 Pandemic that did not suck

Jae L
The Haven


author’s own image

This evening felt like the end of an era. As I was getting off the train, the electronic monitor delivered the news that passengers can now occupy all seats.

We no longer have to have a space between us.

I had secretly been enjoying being able to have a seat to myself on the train, safe in the knowledge that no other bottom was permitted to touch it. Their was one permission sticker on the seat and my bottom had claimed it.

It helped that fewer people were actually using the trains because many more days are being worked from home. It also helps that I can be so cavalier about the times I come and go from the office these days that any semblance of peak hour is avoided.

Being forced to rub up against all those people you will never be formally introduced to is just wrong.

Because being on a packed train is the pits. Being forced to rub up against all those people you will never be formally introduced to is just wrong. I did it twice a day, five days a week and I don’t ever want to do it again. It’s one bit of normal we don’t need back.



Jae L
The Haven

Queer, neurodivergent and in the business of asking questions and stirring things up. Conspire with me. diverge999@gmail.com; https://justinefield.substack.com