Oh, That’s Why The Police Opened the Gates and Let the Trump Rioters in the Capitol!

The Purge was going to begin in two minutes!

Simon Black
The Haven


In case you didn’t know, here’s how the rioters got into the Capitol. That’s right. Shock! The police let them in. The police, in fact, wanted them to come in. Here is the video that proves it.

But just in case you think the police are bad or, even worse, in favor of Trumpism, the real explanation was that the Purge was beginning and emergency services were about to be suspended.

So they had no choice?

No, explains Capitol Poice Chief Hesan Idyot. “The Purge is scary, yes, but it’s a good thing. It helps people get the anger out of their system once a year. Heck, we had it twice this year, actually. Remember, in the summer, the BLM Purge? This is the second Purge, that’s all.”

Why Two Purges This Year?

The New Founding Fathers decided that in years of terrible pandemics or other suffering, it might be necessary…



Simon Black
The Haven

This is not the Simon Black that you know. This is a different Simon Black. He does not work in your organization or live in your city.