Only One in A Thousand People Can Solve This Brain Teaser

Some people can stare at it for hours and hours and never get anywhere.

Christine Stevens
The Haven


But every once in a while, a person comes along and takes one glance at this brain teaser and solves it immediately.

Are you that one-in-a-thousand super genius? I bet you are, you sexy thing, you.

A few people are really really smart. And the rest are really really dumb.

Turns out the difference in intelligence between people is much more drastic than we assumed. It's because of the grading system we all grew up with. You were either an A, B, C or an F. (I always wondered what happened to letter E in that matrix) Once it a while you heard of people getting a D, but basically it appeared that each level was about 25 percent higher than the one below it. Like A people must be about 25 percent smarter than B people.

Neurologists have found that this is definitely NOT the case.

“The people at the top of the intelligence scale are about 100,000 times smarter than the people at the bottom,” explained neurologist Dr. David Divine, M.D., Ph.d. “And neurologists are at the very top of the top, so they are about a million times smarter than you.”

I get that. Neurology seems really hard. But there is something quite paradoxical about the intelligence of neurologists. Divine explains:



Christine Stevens
The Haven

Funny lady, writer of satire and sex, proud Californian. Like me? You can buy me a coffee here: Cheers!