Outgoing-Former President-Twice Impeached-Trump

Jivan73 Ivanchevich
The Haven
Published in
4 min readMar 18, 2021

There was a commotion in the West Wing as outgoing-former president-twice impeached-Trump has asked for cement, mortar and several bricks.

“Even upon firing squad, a man is allowed final wish”, he slammed the door after this bold statement. Since there was only a silence, one apprentice was, finally, fooled to enter the premises of the outgoing-former president-twice impeached-Trump. There was no one around. He has vanished into thin air. Everybody was very ecstatic praising God, for divine intervention, a few years too late, but in the nick of the hour. Obviously, the High Lord acts only when he is sure that such an individual is beyond any salvation like Hitler, Stalin or Whitney Houston.

The army of cleaners was summoned to do proper disinfection and fumigation, but a shriek of one of them, coming from the bathroom, proves everybody wrong. He was there, in all of his might, fixed and cemented to his throne, the one he shouldn’t leave under any circumstances, back at his first home, to save us all from witnessing this scene if not any for previous years.

“Ha, you can’t move me now”, again Trump was in his deepest and darkest moment at the same time. All of his closest relatives, associates and friends turned around and marched away in protest.

In the middle of the night, one head with many wrinkles and a beard appeared above outgoing-former president-twice impeached-Trump. He wanted to say something, but the head has spoken first:

“What are you doing? Can’t you be a sport?”

“Who are you? Leave me alone”

“I am the former president as are you. However, to be a colleague with somebody like you”, the head turned to the side avoiding looking at the sorry boy sitting on his throne, “it is blasphemy, it is more than a historical figure can take.”

“Who are you?” — Trump wanted to pick something up and throw it on him.

“Your knowledge speaks for yourself.”

Another creature comes in, this one in a wheelchair and some other followed.

“No you, with you infamous speeches of infamous events”, Trump started yelling from his position, looking straight at the person opposite to him. “I don’t want to listen to any of you.”

“Not even me”, the whole figure of some Texas former president appeared on the door of Trump’s private bathroom.

“You are still alive and well, I think”, Trump answers in dismay allowing the latest newcomer to continue.

“I think I had a bottle of too many of the finest Texan home brandy as in my best and wildest days. Here I am, among the elite of the elite, looking down to your sorry naked ass, literally, and …”

“And what?” — Outgoing-former president-twice impeached-Trump is furious. He wants to stand up, but he can’t.

“You should be ashamed of yourself. Didn’t your mother teach you better? Ashamed!” — Another figure comes into frame, with all heads turning to her.

“I don’t recall black, cleaning lady and/or woman to be in this elite group”.

“Your predecessor doesn’t count?” — Kennedy talks for the first time.

Due to paper this story is being eventually, but hardly, printed, we can’t repeat the remark of outgoing-former president-twice impeached-Trump on the mention of his predecessor.

“Maybe black woman”, she continues, “should be in this group. We probably wouldn’t be in this mess for four last years.”

“I was great at presidency”.

Texan president is smiling and sipping another glass.

“My dear lost child, you were thinking only of yourself, not the country, nor the people, nor even your voters.” She explains if not to outgoing-former president-twice impeached-Trump or former presidents, but to the walls of this unique structure of his misdeeds, mishaps, lies and usual bullshits within his mandate. After a while she stops talking, realizing it is futile, poor little one is not capable of learning anything or finally giving some empathy.

She walks out first, with the rest slowly drifting away.

“You are all losers, I win in the end as I always do, since I am president Trump not outgoing-former president-twice impeached-Trump as this bloody narrator keeps calling me.”

3-D copying technology allows us to create better version of you, at least still silent one, which we will put in your stupid house and you are staying here with extra bricks ending your presence.

“Ha!?” — Final words from outgoing-former president-twice impeached-Trump as Mexican workers build a wall around his bathroom.

