Patriarchy, Patriarchy (The World Is Yours)

The Haven
Published in
3 min readFeb 13, 2023
poster for the 1983 film Scarface
Photo: Universal Pictures. Many thought Scarface was the shit.

You know what the problem with patriarchy is? It’s kinda masculiney and toxicey. However what is toxic masculinity?

1st Man: Whatever it is, it don’t exist.

2nd Man: Maybe…you’re….right?

1st Man: Grow a pair. Don’t agree with me for the sake of it.

2nd Man: OK…. Maybe it does exist.

1st Man: Do you want a slap?

“The term “toxic masculinity” points to a particular version of masculinity that is unhealthy for the men and boys who conform to it, and harmful for those around them. The phrase emphasises the worst aspects of stereotypically masculine attributes. Toxic masculinity is represented by qualities such as violence, dominance, emotional illiteracy, sexual entitlement, and hostility to femininity.” —

What is denial? A river in Egypt.

A person, who wasn’t at all wise once said, “If you pretend long enough that something don’t exist it won’t exist long enough to need pretending for.”

How do you defend the indefensible? How do you explain away the obvious? Apparently it’s very easy.

There is a scene in the film Scarface…. Actually, the entire film, gives a denier of toxic masculinity a perfect opportunity to practice their art. By the way, Scarface is a 1983 American crime film directed by Brian De Palma and written by Oliver Stone. Loosely based on the 1929 novel of the same name and serving as a loose remake of the (superior) 1932 film, it tells the story of Cuban refugee Tony Montana, played by Italian American Al Pacino (it was a different time then), who arrives penniless in Miami during the Mariel boatlift and becomes a powerful and extremely homicidal drug lord.

Back in the day the film poster for Scarface was very popular with (male) Hip Hop fans. It adorned many a bedroom wall. It may still adorn many a living room wall. Now framed of course.

Anyway, the scenario. Betrayed business partner cocaine kingpin Alejandro Sosa sends his henchmen to kill Tony Montana.

The Question: Whilst using some random pop culture references, why is Scarface not about toxic masculinity?

Warning! Contains scenes of men killing the shit outa each other.

The answers:

(A). The Secret Of My Success

Scarface shows that with hard work, determination and a positive attitude, you can be successful in the greatest country in the world.

(B). Goodfellas

Scarface is a film that vitally shows being a gangster ain’t the sole preserve of Italian Americans. After all, if you can’t see it, you can’t be it.

(C). Band of Brothers

Scarface highlights the strong male bonds us men form in the face of the world being against us. All, the fucking time.

(D). Coming To America

Scarface is an important chronicle that chronicles how the refugee community make a positive contribution to the US economy.

(E). Back To The Future

Scarface came out before Fems invented toxic masculinity (which don’t exist), so Fems now would have to go get a time machine and travel back in time to the 80s to see Scarface, then they’d have to give the 80s Fems the time machine so they can travel forward in time to now, agree with the Fems now that Scarface is toxic masculinity (Fems always agree with each other), get the term ‘toxic masculinity’ off the Fems now, then travel back to the 80s and then call Scarface toxic masculinity. But Fems can’t drive time machines. Fucking nailed it.


1st Person: What’s your favourite rags to riches film?

Me: Cinderella.






The Haven

Culturally diverse blue collar ageing b-boy and incessant moaner. Midlander. yUK. Pronoun: Amateur hour.