Patriarchy, Patriarchy (What A Drag)

The Haven
Published in
3 min readMar 6, 2023
photo of drag racing car
Photo: 1st Person: Drag, not Drag. Me: Are you malfunctioning?

You know what the problem with patriarchy is?

It’s, “A system of society or government in which men hold the power and women are largely excluded from it.” — Oxford Languages.

What is Drag?

“The term “drag” refers to the performance of exaggerated masculinity, femininity, or other forms of gender expression, usually for entertainment purposes.” — Wikipedia

You would have to have been living under a rock….

photo of US actor Dwayne Johnson also know as The Rock
Photo: WWE.

No. Not that kind of Rock.

photo of large rock dwarfing a person
Photo: Getty.

Yes. That kind of rock.

….As I were saying, you would have to have been living under a rock, not to have noticed that Drag is currently going through a bit of a renaissance. Hashtag, “Fucking awesome Drag Queen name y’all.”

However, is Drag an existential threat to women?

A wise person, well someone who thought they were wise, once said, “No matter what the question, the answer is, “Yes. No. Maybe.”

Perhaps a commercial for the ‘online casino’ PlayOJO might shed some light on this hot topic, fresh out the pot (shit stirred by me). In this short-form type of advertisement placed on TV, streaming services, social media platforms, and other digital channels, a couple is visited by a Fairy Godmother played by a Drag Queen.

Question: If Drag is having an impact on the female job market, and women are losing out in the current ‘Drag Race,’ why might this be?

The answers:

(A). Representation

The creative industries quite rightly support diversity and inclusion, and therefore embrace the LGBTQ+ community. Also, Drag Queens kinda look like women, so the creative industries are ticking two diversity boxes in one go.

(B). Entertainment Value

Drag Queens are funny, really funny. Whereas women….

(C). Feminism

Women want to be treated as equals, not patronised. The best person for the position is getting it.

(D). Innovation

Drag is a ground-breaking art form that needs to be championed at every opportunity.

(E). Natural Order

Jobs for the boys y’all!




The Haven

Culturally diverse blue collar ageing b-boy and incessant moaner. Midlander. yUK. Pronoun: Amateur hour.