Patriarchy, Patriarchy (What’s In A Word?)

The Haven
Published in
2 min readApr 5, 2023
photo of dog nursing puppies
Photo: Dog’s dinner.


There, I said it.

The B word has always gave me the shits. It has been a major factor in why my Hip Hop consumption has reduced over the years. Just because I’m an aging b boy, it don’t mean I tolerate sexist slurs.

Critically acclaimed author Roxanne Shanté gave us a fine example of B word scattering on her 1992 album, which is coincidentally called, ‘The Bitch Is Back.’ On the song ‘Big Mama’ she pays homage to her contemporaries.

However, in recent years, the use of the B word has become increasingly popular in mainstream music, comedy and entertainment.

Conclusion? Maybe use of the B Word is, OK.

Question: If use of the B Word is OK, why is it?

The answers:

(A). Use of the word was popularised by the Veterinarian community, so obviously there’s nothing wrong with it.

(B). Use of the word was popularised by the Black community (it’s a cultural thing yo) so obviously there’s nothing wrong with it.

(C). Use of the word was popularised by the Queer community (it’s a cultural thing girlfriend), so obviously there’s nothing wrong with it.

(D). Use of the word was popularised by the Female community, so obviously there’s nothing wrong with it.

(E). You know what? It’s not OK. Mind you, I ain’t about to tell a woman, what she can, or cannot say.


1st Person: If you were forced to choose, what would be your favourite use of the B word.

Me: Tairrie B, “It’s putting the past on the shelf, ’Cause ‘bitch’ means ‘being in total control of herself’”

1st Person: Sounds kinda naff.

Me: Well I ain’t about to tell a woman…. Ne’ermind.




The Haven

Culturally diverse blue collar ageing b-boy and incessant moaner. Midlander. yUK. Pronoun: Amateur hour.