People Wearing Headphones Want to Be Left Alone

Yes, it’s true. When you see someone wearing headphones, leave them the hell alone.

Jennifer Geer
The Haven


Photo by Minhaj Mohammed on Unsplash

At the risk of sounding like a very cold and heartless person with virtually no social skills, please for the love of everything, don’t make me take one of my earbuds out to hear what you have to say.

I’m sure you’re very clever. I’m sure the funny comment you are desperately trying to tell me is hilarious. I’m sure we’d be great friends under different circumstances.

But here’s the problem. I’m not looking for a friend today. I’m just trying to get my grocery shopping done. Truth be told, I’ve got more friends than my poor introverted soul can handle. Today I just want to buy yogurt, milk, and strawberries. I’m sorry I even had to leave the house.

But it couldn’t be helped and here I am.

And here you are.

Smiling at me and motioning for me to take my earbuds out of my ears. Obligingly I do. And you tell me whatever you were trying to say which I’m not even listening to because I can’t stop thinking to myself, is this over yet? Can I just smile and put my headphones back on?

To be helpful, I’ve formulated a list of places where people may not want to be bothered while wearing their earbuds. This is not an all-inclusive list, but you can think of it as a useful guide.

Top 7 places to leave people the hell alone when they’ve got headphones/earbuds on:

  1. Grocery store.
  2. Airplane.
  3. Health club.
  4. While walking in the park.
  5. Coffee shop.
  6. During a run (this is truly the worst offense.)
  7. Anytime you ever see anyone wearing earbuds anywhere.

Now there may be an actual emergency situation developing, and in this case, it is perfectly acceptable to get my attention while I’m wearing my earbuds.

These emergency situations may include the following.

Top 4 reasons it’s okay to bother someone wearing headphones/earbuds:

  1. The building is on fire.
  2. You are on fire.
  3. I am on fire.
  4. That’s all I can come up with.

Maybe it’s my fault. Perhaps my little earbuds are too discrete and hard to notice. What I should do is get myself a nice pair of Beats noise-canceling headphones that cover half of my head to wear when I’m out and about.

Yes, that should do the trick. Although I kind of doubt it.

Photo by rakhmat suwandi on Unsplash

I know, I know. I’ll be accused of being whiny here. There are real problems in the world and I’m complaining about someone trying to talk to me when I’m out in public. I agree with you, it’s not a major crisis. I’m being picky about my personal space and my free time.

But here’s the thing. It’s my personal space and my free time. And if I want to spend it listening to music, or a podcast, or chanting monks, or whatever, rather than small talk with complete strangers, that’s my choice. It has nothing to do with you, so don’t get so offended.

If you’re one of those people that routinely tries to chat someone up as they’re wearing earbuds, you may be feeling uncomfortable about now. You may be formulating your brilliant and insulting response to me as you read this.

That’s fine. Give me your best shot. I find controversy exciting.

Written controversy I should say. Actual face to face controversy, I’m not so big on. In fact, if you want to argue with me in person, be sure I’ll be slipping my headphones on immediately and pretending nothing is happening.

To sum it all up, if one of us is on fire, feel free to interrupt me. Otherwise, if I’ve got earbuds in, please just leave me alone so I can listen to the chanting monks in peace.



Jennifer Geer
The Haven

Writer, blogger, mom, owner of pugs, wellness enthusiast, and true crime obsessed.