Petey Sees Ominous Portents

David Volk
The Haven
Published in
3 min readOct 19, 2022


Are The Inflatables Massing At The Border?

Don’t let his happy look fool you. The latest developments in the neighborhood had Petey quite disturbed. From The David Volk Collection.

Although he was dead, Petey awoke with a fright.

That’s the trouble with being undead. One minute you’re happily enjoying the big dirt nap, the next, just any old thing might wake you and it could take weeks to get back to sleep.

In the meantime, you were forced to walk the earth in search of an open, all eternity apothecary for Extra, Extra Strength Sominex, both of which were in short supply, thanks to the unexpected abundance of restless spirits the pandemic had left in its wake. Most of them were trapped in basements, attics or mother-in-law apartments angrily making noise with whatever they could find because there was a shortage of metal links available for rattling. Even in the afterlife there were problems with supply chains.

Not only that, but pharmacists were notoriously good sleepers. Most of them had helped so many sick people when they were alive that they saw no point in helping the dead, many of whom would complain about not getting senior discounts.

Why do they keep asking for senior discounts if they don’t have any money?

None of that concerned Petey right now, though. He had awoken because he felt that something…



David Volk
The Haven

I’m a Seattle-based freelancer and humorist who loves goofy humor, politics and pot stirring, if you know what I mean.