Please Don’t Come Near Me, I Don’t Want Your Germs And Nasties

Don’t enter my red zone, please.

Shamar M
The Haven


Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Before the pandemic, it was socially acceptable to be present in public and work sneezing your butt off with snot dripping out of your nose. COVID-19 has revolutionised the way we perceive germs and nasties, bodily fluids, the common cold, the lot.

I’ll never forget when the pandemic was about to hit and I was in the office with my colleagues reading the latest news. Everyone thought it was a common cold, apart from me who knew sh*t was about to go down. My colleague (who was one of the kindest people you’ll ever meet) had a disgusting cold. Whenever I asked her for help, she would never help me from a distance, she would have to physically come up behind me and touch my screen, touch my belongings and she would even touch me.

As someone with a weak immune system, this doesn’t help matters because the second I saw she was sick, I knew it was my turn next. Lo and behold, who called in sick a few days later?

Anyway, that was years ago. Thankfully, COVID has opened eyes as to how easy it is to catch someone else’s germs and nasties, how easily it can be avoided, and shaming those who do not consider those around them when sick.



Shamar M
The Haven

27. Based in the UK. PG DIP HR Management. Chief of publication The First Time. Editor in About Me Stories.