Please Fill in Our Unnecessarily Invasive Medical Questionnaire

Please indicate if your back door is usually left unlocked

Sarah Totton
The Haven
3 min readAug 12, 2022


A woman wearing a mask and stethoscope winks at you.
Photo by Thirdman at Pexels

First Name ________________ Last Name ___________________

Preferred Name ____________________

That nickname* that you really hated and that you thought you’d left behind you when you graduated high school __________________

*Note: If you do not have a nickname, please inform our staff and we will provide you with one.

Please indicate your Title:

□ Mr.

□ Master

□ Messrs.

□ Mrs.

□ Mmes.

□ Dr.

□ Dame

□ Da-yam!

□ Your Eminence

□ Dude

□ My Dude

□ Green Bay Packers

□ Miss

□ Mzzzzzz

Where do you live?* (Just for our records. We will not turn up on your doorstep offering you a free medical exam. Okay, we might.)




*Please indicate if your back door is usually left unlocked.

Q1. Where do you spend most of your time in your home?

□ Bedroom

□ Bathroom

□ Top of fridge

□ Hanging from the rafters like a bat

Q2. What is the best way to contact you?

□ In person. On your doorstep.

□ Nigerian spam

□ Gorillagram

□ Elderly woman cosplaying Dick Turpin in your three-season porch

□ Edible bouquet in your toilet

Q3. Please drag and drop the giant eyeball icons over the parts of your body that you find most embarrassing.

Q4. What is your gender?

□ Yes

□ No

□ It cannot be explained. It can only be experienced.

Q5. Have you lost a significant amount of weight over the past three months?

□ No

□ Yes (Please share your secret ______________)

Q6. What is your favorite color of urine?

□ Yellow

□ Orange

□ Blue

□ Atomic purple

Q7, Is your colon “friendly”?

□ No

□ No!

□ More of an acquaintance really. We meet over burritos sometimes.

□ Prefer not to say (but yes)

Q8. Have you ever stuffed a live ferret down your trousers?

□ Yes

□ No (Please explain ______________)

Q9. Have you ever suffered from any of the following conditions? (select all that apply)

□ Irrational fear of Babybel

□ Rational fear of Babybel

□ Rabies

□ Leprosy

□ Rinderpest

□ Decapitation

□ Tank sweat

□ Corrosion

□ Dick Turpin fanservice

□ Tinnitus

Q10. Please indicate which of the following illicit drugs you have consumed in the past year. (check all that apply)

□ Love

□ Twitter

Final Fantasy

□ Flamin’ Hot Cheetos

Q11. Do you have a family history of any of the following? (check all that apply)

□ Bootlegging

□ Chicken-chasing

□ George

□ Menstrual relay team

Q12. In the past week, have you noticed any of the following emanating from your nose/eyes/ears?

□ Smoke

□ Gravy

□ Crispy Noises

Q13. Please indicate on the diagram the parts of your body that you would not like to have touched by a Scarface hand-puppet. (We will touch you there with the hand-puppet anyway, but we would like to know how uncomfortable it would make you. Say “Hello” to our little friend!)



Sarah Totton
The Haven

Sarah Totton writes weird stuff, some of which is collected in her new book, Quirks & Super-Quirks (