Please Stop Adding My Colonoscopy to the Rango (2011 film) Wiki Page
To: Rangoheads
10:18 p.m.
Subject: Petition/Request
My fellow Rangoheads,
I want to start off by thanking everyone for getting the word out about the petition to reactivate the official Rango movie website. As Jen pointed out last month, a Facebook page alone is not enough! We’ve already gotten 31 signatures (and counting) to reactivate the site. Goodie!
Don’t have a Medium account? No worries, find the free read link here.
In other news, I wanted to thank you all for sending me your thoughts about my recent colonoscopy. I am perfectly fine. It’s a very standard procedure, but I do appreciate your concern.
On that subject, I would like to request that you stop adding information about my procedure to the Rango (2011) Wikipedia page. It really isn’t relevant to the Rango world and is more of a personal matter.
I’m only bringing this up because I’ve removed information about me having a colonoscopy several times from the page and noticed someone keeps adding it back. We need to maintain a professional image if we want to continue to make our case for the sequel, and the time and date of my colonoscopy just isn’t related to that effort.