Possible Benefits of Walking on Your Hands All the Time

R.D. Ronstad
The Haven
Published in
Feb 3, 2023

You'll be taller.

If you’re not handy, you might be footy.

You will always win hands down. (When you do win that is.)

You might be able to get away with claiming you “tripped” over a certain someone’s head.

Your body language will become encoded.

You can kiss stubbing goodbye.

Nothing can get your dander up.

If you feel like people don’t pay enough attention to you, they will now.

You’ll always know when things fall out of your pockets. (Of course, more things may fall out of your pockets, so maybe it’s a wash.)

You could circumvent holes-in-your-socks syndrome.

You might be able to use your hands in soccer.

You'll greatly reduce your chances of death by coconut.



R.D. Ronstad
The Haven

R.D. Ronstad writes mostly humor pieces and poetry. His work appears at many online sights including Defenestration and Points in Case. He lives in Phoenix, Az.