Holiday Feelings

Post-Christmas Feelings Are Like Getting Through A Samurai Sword Swinging Gauntlet

Dan Dore
The Haven
Published in
2 min readDec 29, 2023


Exhaling a sigh of relief that somehow you made it to the other side of December 25th.

Christmas Day is now behind us. As you get older, the holidays can be a struggle. Kids will think how long it will take for us to get to Christmas again. Adults know it will come too soon.

It’s the greatest ride for a kid. Kids can’t wait for the next one. Adults once again pick themselves off the ground and wonder how we got through that one.

While there are many ways to characterize the holidays, I thought of how many people feel about them. If you will follow along, I think I have one accurate interpretation.

Imagine there was a day where everyone lines up with swords and tries to cut your penis off. And you have to do it once the year. I think you would dread that.

Picture hundreds of people lined up on two sides, in a big back yard. And you have to run down the middle, while everyone swings swords and tries to mutilate your genitals. You had to do this, no matter what. The day comes and you can’t stop it.

You may dread this day as it approaches. You’re getting ready for something tough. Why do we have to do this? Most people would like to skip this, but it’s tradition. So we carry on.

When you get through the gauntlet of people with swords, samurai swords or medieval knights’ swords, you breathe a huge sigh of relief.

You exhale. You’re glad we got through that. ‘How did we get through that again?’, you exclaim. ‘I feel

these huge swings of emotions every year! Why do we do this to ourselves?!’ This wears you out emotionally. Especially as you get older.

But that’s the holiday.

You dread that tradition every year.

This is Christmas.

To all of you who got through the holidays, you’re all warriors.



Dan Dore
The Haven

Studied/Performed at: The Second City, iO Chicago, The Annoyance, The Pack (LA), ComedySportz. Masters in Creativity (SUNY Buffalo State). Bachelors in Comm.