Practical Coping Strategies On How To Deal With The Fact That You’re Not A Hot Orphaned Chess Prodigy

My favorite, the French fries variation of the French defense

Smillew Rahcuef
The Haven


Cottonbro playing her winning coping strategy

I wouldn’t want you to think I’m just another wanker writing about something I don’t know after doing an 8-minute search on google. Here are my credentials:

I’m not an orphan, I’m not hot, and I’m not a chess prodigy.

If you’re reading this, I guess you’re in a similar situation. The time has come to share my top 6 practical coping strategies on how to deal with the fact that you’re not a hot orphaned chess prodigy.

The first three are purely defensive ones but can be used at all levels. The last three are very technical and should be used only by professionals like you and me.

#1 Sicilian Defense

It’s one of the oldest coping strategies.

It appeared in the late 16th century as the first non-hot, non-orphaned, non-chess prodigy Sicilians started complaining they were getting ripped-off by mainlanders (Sicilia is an Italian island located some 350 miles from the coast).

As most of the coping strategies, the Sicilian Defense has several variations. My favorite one is the Dragon…

