The President works himself to exhaustion on the golf course one day after Christmas. (Pixabay)

President Succumbs to Work Exhaustion

One day after Christmas President tweets himself into stupor

Phillip T Stephens
The Haven
Published in
2 min readDec 27, 2017


The President returned to work the day after Christmas and made sure the nation knew it. “I’ll be working hard on the golf course solving the world’s problems today,” he tweeted from his golden throne at the new Golden White House at Mar-a-Lago.

The President worked so hard on the golf course that after he collected his winnings from his employees he collapsed in his gold golf cart from exhaustion. The Secret Service drove him to his room where eight milk maids nursed him back to consciousness with a meal of six Big Macs, Six Filet-o-Fish sandwiches and a supersized chocolate shake.

The Secret Service drove him to his room where eight milk maids nursed him back to consciousness with a meal of six Big Macs, Six Filet-o-Fish sandwiches and a supersized chocolate shake.

Spin doctors and commentators in the fake news and liberal press mocked him and expressed doubt that he could work while golfing. Others expressed doubt that he could work at all. But the President proved them wrong by tweeting more than three dozen times in his first day back to work.

President shows America how real work is done

The President informed the nation about the phony Russia investigation, the traitors James Comey and Robert Muller, the wealth that would pour into their pockets from the new tax plan, the health that would pour into their bodies by killing Obamacare, Elizabeth Warren’s hair and John McCain’s cowardice by refusing to die and open up a seat “for a good Republican.”

He even Tweeted once about the economy.

“Tweeting is how he works,” White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders told reporters later in the day. “He’s not just President, he’s CEO of America. He doesn’t get his hands dirty with work work. He sends directives and it’s America’s job to hop to it. Unlike other CEOs, ours directs with Tweets.”

He’s not just President, he’s CEO of America. He doesn’t get his hands dirty with work work. He sends directives and it’s America’s job to hop to it.

Sander’s comments didn’t end the criticism. Immediately following her statement to the press, the fake news and liberal media suggested his Tweets are so inconsistent no one is sure what he’s directing.

The comments led to Trump’s last Tweet before he succumbed to exhaustion. “I Tweet hard all day and all I get are jokes. Don’t like America? Move to North Korea. Wait’ll you see the surprise I have for you.”

Sources close to the White House insist that a good night’s rest watching Fox News and early morning Tweeting will restore him to normal.

