Procrastinating Owl Pulls Epic All-Dayer

Janelle Blasdel
The Haven
Published in
4 min readJun 25, 2019
(Source: James Toose, Unsplash)

Oh my god, I’m such a freaking idiot. When Professor Maxwell said we’d have a month to finish our chem lab, I was like, Ka-ching! That’s a ton of time and I can like take it pretty easy and I even had a whole schedule worked out. Week one, I was gonna get mentally prepared — you know, like just get comfortable thinking about the lab. And then week two I was gonna start drafting my hypothesis and figure out my variables and then like week three I was gonna conduct trials and then week four I’d write my report and honestly that was basically a great timeline.

Except, you know, the first week was right after spring formal and I just felt really wiped out and overwhelmed and wanted to take some time to chill in my nest box and catch up on sleep. I thought, okay fine, like over the weekend I’ll have time to start planning, but then Stu and Dunk-Dunk were throwing this massive party at the Juniper Tree and I was like siiiiiick, these are my best friends, and I can’t miss my best friends’ party, ya know?

And then the week after that, Dunk-Dunk’s parents were out of town and he had their whole cottonwood to himself and we partied till like 4 in the afternoon every day and honestly we got pretty blasted, but in a good way. And then Stu wanted to go windsurfing out west the week after, and he’s like my best guy, and there was no way I was gonna miss that quality time with him and I have no regrets about it.

(Source: Josef Grabner, Unsplash)

I mean, I’m like for real shitting pellets over this lab right now but honestly I just keep reminding myself to have some perspective. Like what am I gonna remember more when I’m on my death-nest? This lab or makin some sick memories with mah dudes? And anyway, the sun like just came up so I still have like fifteen hours before I have to turn it in, so it’s nbd.

And honestly, the timing of this lab is pretty messed up. It’s like right before finals and Maxwell knows we need to blow off steam before we’re holed up all night taking exams for a week — like when will I even have time to hunt? And this lab? It’s pretty stupid too and I won’t ever use it for anything in my actual life.

We’re testing materials and like trying to figure out what can stand up to acid rain for like when we build our nests and stuff — pshh if I even ever have a nest. Like I don’t know what my life is gonna look like in ten years or dang even in one, because I’m probably gonna change my major from Urban Homing to Migratory Studies next year but there’s also this really cool lecturer who’s teaching Ancient Languages and how dope would it be if I could speak Sandhill Crane, ya know? What I’m saying is it’s basically pretty hard to know if I’m ever gonna want to settle down and mate because honestly that’s not my priority and I’m not about that right now.

For me, college is about making friends and figuring out who-who I am and like — that can be super confusing. Especially since this was my first year away from my mom and dad and little sister. And like, it’s exciting and everything, but my parents still think I’m way too immature to handle it. And I get it — my grades from first semester were pretty basic and sometimes trash and my dad said this thing that like really beaked me up, like how I was gonna have to take make-up classes at day school in order to graduate, and we got into this huge fight because I was like you don’t know how hard I work and he was all like you can’t even take a joke, but you know how you can tell when like it’s actually not a joke but the truth? Ugh.

My parents just don’t get it. Like, when they were in college, things were so different. They didn’t even have co-ed trees or anything and they were like really anxious to live together and settle down and they got married right away, but I definitely plan on nesting with my girlfriend before we get married because like what if we don’t vibe? Wouldn’t you want to figure that out sooner rather than later? And like my parents have been at their same jobs forever and never switched careers and they don’t get that like…that’s not who I am and that’s not how things are anymore and they just don’t listen to me, ya know?

(Source: Adnan Shahid, Unsplash)

Dang, the sun is like pretty bright right now. Oh my god, is it already noon? Oh my god, I’m like so dead.



Janelle Blasdel
The Haven

Chicago writer, improviser, ad copywriter | Contributor to McSweeney’s, Slackjaw, Points in Case, The Haven, and more | Twitter: @janelleblasdel