Productivity Tips From Talking Kitchenware

Murad Awan
The Haven
Published in
3 min readJul 5, 2019
Photo Source: Alyson McPhee on Unsplash

Rolling pin:

When I find myself overwhelmed with the number of options available (“Should I roll forward? Or backward? Ugh, when did life become so complicated?”), I get Human Hands to decide for me! Do the same if you’re fretting over which task to focus on by having someone else pick for you.

And don’t be a perfectionist when you start a project. I roll once on dough to do a rough stomp. I go back on it afterwards. And back and forth, until the dough’s perfectly flat.

The idea is to put a rough foundation of your project out and iterate towards quality later. This way, no task is too daunting to start!


Bro, get promoted with my easy 4-point system, the B.O.W.L Method:

Be the boss by salad-dressing for the job you want, not the one you have!
Overcome big projects and ideas by breaking them into small slices.
Win at creativity by letting ideas stir in your mind for 2 minutes before use.
Leave your shame behind when your work turns out as goop, and use your experience to do you next task better.

The B.O.W.L Method: Guaranteed to bowl your bosses over!


Work around your team’s strengths! If someone’s better at a task, help them work on it instead of insisting on doing it yourself out of pride.

I mean, look at the Human Resource Department! And me! We may not contribute to the meal, but we pitch in by supporting the rest of the team!

HR is the best! And Karen is the bestest!! Good job, Karen from HR!!!

Egg Timer:

Personally, as a Timer, I adore the Pomodoro technique. Not only will it motivate you to start working, but it’ll also keep you from over-working.

So, what’re you waiting for? Set a timer for 25 minutes, during which you work. Follow it with a 5-minute break to scream “NOOO, I overcooked again! Every time, why do I always do this, why!!”


I find that eye contact is sooo important in getting a co-worker to open up to you! Like, gosh! Bobby seemed shy, but when I pointed myself directly at him, he became so talkative! Began babbling incoherently, really. I guess he appreciated the attention.

Yessiree, a little bit of People Skills go a long way! A mere twinkle in your eye can draw people to you. I know, because everyone in the room immediately looks over to me when I gleam in the light.

Edible Tableware:

You know what the first guy to try eating tableware said?


But you know what he said when he discovered edible tableware?

“Yum! And I bet it’d taste even better if it was made of food instead of paper!”

The point, Kid, is that testing out a lot of failures is a part of eventually hitting success, so don’t be afraid to experiment.

Tea Kettle:

Pour emotion into your lines when preparing a presentation to memorize it faster. Attaching emotions to your speech adds a psychological cue for your lines, making them easier to recall.

Besides, it’ll make the presentation more interesting to listen to! I find a good presentation is all about heightening enthusiasm by increasing my voice pitch until I’m loudly whistling, and steam is blowing out of my ears. Try it out!

Mortar and Pestle:

Grawr! Pestle wise! Pestle give advice!!

When Mortar bark orders, Pestle stressed! Stressed Pestle work slow. Pestle relax. Relax take small minutes, give big boost to work after.

How relax? Mortar and Pestle Freelance Masseurs. Call for fine massage that leave you crushed to fine powder!

Big boost to work after!



Murad Awan
The Haven

Humor writer. Not as gray-scale in real life. Unless it’s a really cloudy day. Instagram: