Pros Of Being In Gen Z

Dylan Chia
The Haven
Published in
3 min readSep 24, 2020


Photo by Parker Gibbons from Unsplash

It happens to every generation. The criticism, the disrespect, and of course the indispensable phrase “this new generation is (followed by examples of how we’re lacking in several areas and how much better it was back in those days)” to top it all off. However in spite of all that, there are still some perks that we gen z-ers get to enjoy over the other earlier generations.

Digital Dominance

First up is what I like to dub “digital dominance”, due to how we can all identify as digital natives. In other words, we grew up in the digital era and were already exposed to technology at a younger age.

What this means is that unlike the old fogeys (aka the millennials onwards), we’re better at using technology, regardless of whether it’s smartphones, TVs, gaming consoles, or even air conditioning systems, we’ve got them beat.

While they’re probably more familiar with older tech like DVD players and radio sets, it doesn’t count as they’re all more or less obsolete in our modern society anyway.

Meme Mastery

Next is our memes, which objectively speaking, are definitely way better and are also constantly evolving to suit our consumption needs. While millennials should receive the credit for pioneering memes as a form of entertainment, it’s undoubtedly the gen z-ers who…



Dylan Chia
The Haven

A creative space for me to transform my thoughts into words