Quitting 9–5: Tips From The Entrepreneur Elite

Stop wasting your time and get to the grind

Nora Donahue
The Haven


Timothy Eberly

So you want to leave your 9–5 and become an entrepreneur. Fine.

I have some invaluable information for you, prepared with care by our precious entrepreneur elite. I will present 3 sections you should familiarize yourself with and take action on. For every section completed, there is an according badge to claim.

Let’s begin.

Eliminate Meaningless Practices

Section: Schedule

Badge: Chief Overkill Eliminator

  1. We grind. All day, all night. There is no time for bullsh*t. Yoga sessions, friend meetings, and visiting your mother will not attract financial freedom. It is a must to cut all distractions keeping you from the paramount — the grind.
  2. Text your therapist you refuse to work on your mental health any longer, as you are now fully devoted to your career. You do not have time to bother with your personality disorder and hallucinations. Their help is no longer needed. If they are concerned, ensure them they can always follow you on Twitter and subscribe to your newsletter.

Neutralize Unsupportive Wankers

Section: Environment

Badge: Independent Distraction Destructor

  1. Your spouse takes the biggest amount of your time. And time is money. So they are robbing you. Inform them you will no longer drive the kids to school, do grocery shopping, or mop the floors just because they said so. If they do not understand this, file your divorce papers by the end of this week.
  2. You do not have time now for needy, demanding units unable to understand your need to grind. Let your soon-to-be ex-spouse take custody of the kids. Grind is more important to you now. Ensure you will miss them. Plan a tea visit for the next summer.

Remember, the point is to save your time now for what’s important. The clock is ticking. Every minute a new entrepreneur is born.

Sacrifice Your Dignity

Section: Content

Badge: Senior Llamas Whisperer

  1. Watch a few YouTube videos and put together an Ultimate Course on whatever topic. Preferably something that will bring your audience money in the next 24 hours, max a week.
  2. Tweet about the product 20 times a day. Mention all the months, years, a decade you devoted to this project. Ensure they know it is totally free if only they follow, like, and subscribe to the newsletter.

We know what you’re thinking — I have only 400 followers. I’m not creditable enough to teach. Okay, but will they check you? Did you check us?


Sure, you may start feeling like an impostor. But you’re not alone. We are all criminals here.

Congratulations! You’re on the right path to your first million. In admiration of your hard work, we prepared something special for you.

Bonus From The Elite

We know it’s not easy. The grind. We were like you once. And we worked for months, years, and generations to figure this out. George sold his two least favorite daughters for this success. You don’t have to. We are eager to share all our knowledge with you, totally free. That’s why we launched a brand new course — Entrepreneurial Wealth Mastery.

We know what you think — no way. A free course from the Elite? You’re reading right. The only thing you have to do is leave a comment, like, subscribe to our newsletter. Also please send us a scan of your divorce papers for evidence you’re all in.

And remember — grind. All day, all night. You will soon reach the stars, just like George.

