Reality TV Shows that Would be Worth Watching (at Least for 10 Minutes)

R.D. Ronstad
The Haven
Published in
2 min readJan 5, 2023
Photo by Dieterich01 at Pixabay

The Real Floyd the Barber

Contestants must survive twenty-two weeks of eight-hour days cooped up in a barber shop with the most slow-paced, monotone barber in America.

American Idle

The search for the laziest person in America becomes a literal search when viable candidates consistently fail to show up for shooting.

Everybody's Guilty

Broadcast from The Jersey Lilly Saloon/Courthouse in Langtry, Texas, television's first hanging judge sentences even the most minor of offenders to a date with the noose. (Hangings strictly cgi)

Animal Planet's Kangaroo Court

Past episodes of Judge Judy re-enacted by kangaroos (animated).

Veal or No Veal

Contestants vie for boatloads of cutlets.

The Gladys Kravitzes

Follows the exploits of a group of snoopy suburban housewives and stay at home husbands who investigate reports of "funny business" in their neighborhoods.

Lancing with the Stars

Celebrity jousting

Last Tuba Player Standing

Kind of like Last Comic Standing except with tubas and a non-figurative use of standing

Lego Noobs

Fun with failure

Kids in Cars Getting Coke*

You thought kids said the darndest things before...

The Gamey Show

In a combination of Major League Eating events and TV's The Fear Factor, a competitive eating contest in which contestants consume a variety of foods that are a just bit "off. " Throwing up results in immediate elimination.

*Not that coke. What's wrong with you!?



R.D. Ronstad
The Haven

R.D. Ronstad writes mostly humor pieces and poetry. His work appears at many online sights including Defenestration and Points in Case. He lives in Phoenix, Az.