Recognized Medical/Psychological Syndrome or Not

R.D. Ronstad
The Haven
Published in
2 min readApr 29, 2023

Berserk llama syndrome
Crazed kangaroo syndrome

Bobble-head doll syndrome
Comfy Couch Doll Syndrome

Celebrity worship syndrome
Pop star mania syndrome

Mexican cantina syndrome
Chinese restaurant syndrome

Imploding lung syndrome
Exploding head syndrome

Michelin tire baby syndrome
Beanie Baby syndrome

Rapunzel syndrome
Prunella syndrome

Syndrome without a face
Syndrome without a name

Diabetic bearded woman syndrome
Anemic mustached man syndrome

Pervasive acceptance syndrome
Pervasive refusal syndrome

Tea and toast syndrome
Coffee and kippers syndrome

Twiddler’s syndrome
Fiddler’s syndrome

Flaming lips syndrome
Uncombable hair syndrome

Wobbly hedgehog syndrome
Stumbling fox syndrome

Astaire-Rogers syndrome
Bogart-Bacall syndrome

Misplaced accent syndrome
Foreign accent syndrome

Wandering spleen syndrome
Roaming colon syndrome

Speak and faint syndrome
Talk and die syndrome

Withering abalone syndrome
Fading tilapia syndrome

Yentl syndrome
Fagin syndrome

Alien hand syndrome
The Jimmy Legs

Yellow lesser sac syndrome
Purple urine bag syndrome

Irritable male syndrome
Irritating female syndrome

Jumping Frenchmen of Maine
Stomping Welshmen of Patagonia

Seinfeld syncope
Friends debility

Auto-dairy syndrome
Auto-brewery syndrome

Renfield syndrome
Riff-Raff syndrome

Rite of Spring syndrome
Nutcracker syndrome

Marie Antoinette syndrome
Bloody Mary syndrome

Walking corpse syndrome
Crawling dead syndrome


Berserk llama syndrome

Bobble head doll

Celebrity worship syndrome

Chinese restaurant syndrome

Exploding head syndrome

Michelin tire baby syndrome

Rapunzel syndrome

Syndrome without a name

Diabetic bearded woman syndrome

Pervasive refusal syndrome

Tea and toast syndrome

Twiddler’s syndrome

Uncomable hair syndrome

Wobbly hedgehog syndrome

Bogart-Bacall syndrome

Foreign accent syndrome

Wandering spleen syndrome

Talk and die syndrome

Withering abalone syndrome

Yentl syndrome

Alien hand syndrome

Purple urine bag syndrome

Irritable male syndrome

Jumping Frenchman of Maine

Seinfeld syncope

Auto-brewery syndrome

Renfield syndrome

Nutcracker syndrome

Marie Antoinette syndrome

Walking corpse syndrome




R.D. Ronstad
The Haven

R.D. Ronstad writes mostly humor pieces and poetry. His work appears at many online sights including Defenestration and Points in Case. He lives in Phoenix, Az.