Remember, Elon Musk Dated Amber Heard

Tom Zappia
The Haven
Published in
2 min readJun 2, 2022

Welp, Jack Sparrow came out on top. Does this put an end to the #metoo movement? No, of course not. But does it put an end to untrustworthy, greedy, psycho, (trying to find a non-cancellable, non-asshole way to refer to Amber Heard) glory hounds? Probably not either.

But, if we can all assume that Heard was full of shit, for the most part, I think there’s an important lesson we can take away from this. Bitches be crazy. Look, we can all agree Amber Heard is crazy. She’s an actress. As is Johnny Depp. He’s an actor (and a coke head). So concocting an op-ed revolving around the idea of domestic abuse is not the wildest thing in the world for a “successful,” attractive actress to do.

Now other than character-driven, make-believe, Hollywood-induced thespians, who else is crazy? Geniuses. Geniuses have to be crazy. They’re brains work in a way that the average human can’t even comprehend. They can build the highest level code to activate the highest level program, but some how can’t figure out how to shoot a basketball. Now when we think modern day geniuses, I would have to say Elon Musk would be the first one that comes to most peoples’ mind. I mean he named his kid X Æ A-12. That’s enough for crazy. But the brains behind PayPal, SpaceX, and Tesla? You HAVE to be crazy to spearhead those successes.

So of course Heard and Musk crossed paths and kindled a relationship at some point, sure just for a few months, but still, are you surprised? Now an affair while she was still married to Johnny Depp, that’s anyone’s guess. But can we think about the dynamic between those two, just for a minute? I mean Heard screaming while Musk slowly listens and tries to put together a sentence for her to understand. I imagine that relationship was either very loud or very quiet. I feel like Musk’s cadence would be very similar to what Depp’s was in that courtoom, perhaps even more quiet and discreet. But would she have shit in their bed?

Now wether or not Amber Heard is a bad actor, at least inside a courtroom, we can honestly say she didn’t do herself any favors with the random outbursts and crying. And for some reason, I feel like Musk would have been laughing those off just as Depp did. It has to take a crazy person to get wrapped up with Heard, and I believe Musk and Grimes are no longer together, so who knows, maybe they’ll get back together.

