Remove Your Tendrils From Me At Once, Microsoft!

Sunshine Zombiegirl
The Haven
Published in
4 min readNov 13, 2020


I am the queen of my domain.

Photo by Mohammad Rezaie on Unsplash

Microsoft, we stand here at the brink of a precipice. Only one of us is coming out of this whole. I’ve had about enough of your constant pricking and poking for updates. Our relationship status has everything to do with the fact that I can’t get rid of you. And goodness knows, I’ve tried.

I know you’re sitting there thinking that back in the good old days, I took your DOS and liked it. Well, you were wrong. I was only humoring you. I can’t imagine why you’d think anyone (except programmers and hackers) would enjoy typing long strings of prompts just to run every program.

When you decided to change and be a little more friendly, everyone, including me, thought that maybe you’d seen the error of your ways. The new and improved Windows 95 that you became made me smile. You were brighter, more colorful, and, most of all, helpful!

You jumped on the self-improvement bandwagon like you’d invented it.

At first, you took changes slowly. Windows 98 certainly seemed to be a better version of the old you. But as every year passed, the labels you slapped on yourself hid glaring character defects. I don’t know why you went Millennial on everyone, but after a while, we all realized that the hoarding wasn’t going to end. We manually threw away…

