Renaissance Paintings That Will Tickle Your Funny

Paint me like one of your French girls — I can pay cash or card

Adam Robinson
The Haven


“Unlucky Steve, that’s a picture card. You’ve gotta down your drink now” — Image: Lucas van Leyden/Fine Art America

When I think of the Renaissance, I think of the transition to modernism, the social change, but most of all — the proper cool paintings of people, mostly with their boobs out.

Okay the latter is the only thing I think of. But it’s definitely the most important aspect of the era.

A historical period with such beauty and influence attached to it — I’ve managed to ignore this and instead find amusing paintings of 15th and 16th century people who are the equivalent of today’s “meme”.

Are you ready to get your freak on and look at some funny ass paintings? Ah go on it’ll be good…maybe…probably not. But it’ll kill a few minutes at work…

The Small Cowper Madonna — Raphael

“God, my baby’s ugly” — Image: Fine Art and You

This poor lady thought the oil paint would make her baby look cute but it just looks like Boris Johnson after a bath.

I love how they’re both resigned to the fact that they’ve gotta get the painting done and out the way.



Adam Robinson
The Haven

Writer with a focus on stuff…and things. Doctor Funny editor and passionate lover.