Republicans Introduce Resolution Designating January 19th as Trumpteenth Day…a Public Holiday and National Day of Mourning

dan boxer
The Haven
Published in
3 min readJun 22, 2021

Resolution would also require all flags to be flown at half-staff to commemorate Trump’s last day before the bogus President was sworn in.

Trumpteenth Day

All Republican Senators and Representatives except Susan Collins and Liz Cheney issued a press release today announcing that they are co-sponsoring a joint resolution to:

“Recognize that January 19th 2021 was the last full day before history’s greatest leader was wrongfully deposed by the Dark State, forced to leave the White House and the United States of America was no longer great again.”

Authors Pledge Bipartisanship

Senator Josh Hawley and Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, co-authors of the Resolution. noted in the press release that:

“All members of Congress and the American people should be proud to support Trumpteenth Day, regardless of political affiliation, gender preference or creed. Extensive legal and historical research was conducted to assure that the designation of Trumpteenth Day as a national holiday or day of Remembrance was consistent with the highest standards used to enact any public holiday in the history of this formerly great country.

This Resolution is something that transcends politics. Black Lives Matter and The Proud Boys can both take great pride in what we are attempting to commemorate today. This national holiday will be as important and bipartisan as the newly enacted Juneteenth Independence Day which was almost unanimously supported in Congress, with only 14 patriotic Republican Representatives opposed.”

The full text of the Resolution

Resolved, That the Senate and House of Representatives

(1) designates January 19, of each year as “Trumpteenth Day”;

(2) recognizes the historical significance of Trumpteenth Day as the last full day before the false inauguration of January 20th when history’s greatest leader was wrongfully deposed and driven from his rightful office by the the Dark State’s sock puppet, Sleepy Joe Biden;

(3) recognizes that Trumpteenth Day is as significant to all Americans as the so-called “Juneteenth Independence Day” or even Martin Luther King, Jr. Day and that the theft of President Trump’s election victory is probably more important to Americans than the end of slavery or honoring the achievements of a Baptist minister;

(4) recognizes that the stealing of President Trump’s election victory must also be observed as a Day of Mourning and Infamy and is at least as important to the American People as National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day (December 7th) or September 11 as Patriot Day, when Muslim or Chinese planes struck the North Tower of the World Trade Center;

(5) recognizes that the theft of the Presidency is as significant as the theft of native American lands which is celebrated as Thanksgiving Day even by those of the American Indian race;

(6) recognizes that it would trivialize President Trump’s legacy and accomplishments to honor him on Presidents Day since no one knows exactly which President is being honored on that day. If Washington and Lincoln are supposedly being honored, they were not as great as President Trump. They also have their own birthday holidays which only some states recognize;

Wherefore, Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled that:

Title 5, United States Code, is amended to designate January 19 as a legal public holiday and as a Day of Mourning and Infamy wherein all American Flags must be flown at half-staff between sunrise and sunset.



dan boxer
The Haven

Retired corporate lawyer, Fortune 1000 Exec VP, law professor of business ethics, governance and social responsibility, entrepreneur, mentor and writer.