RFK Jr. Claims a Worm Ate Part of His Brain

The worm was heard saying, ‘I’m the brains of this outfit now.’

Johnny Robish
The Haven


Source: Wikimedia Commons

As if his story wasn’t already insane enough, the New York Times is reporting that in his divorce case deposition from 2012, independent presidential candidate Robert F Kennedy Jr. claimed that in 2010, he experienced a health crisis that “was caused by a worm that got into my brain and ate a portion of it and then died.” Kennedy further claimed he also had “mercury poisoning” that “dramatically affected his memory.”

While some of you may laugh, the fact is — I fully concur with RFK Jr’s claim of memory loss — because, as far as I can determine, he seems to have completely forgotten he’s a Kennedy. Now, is it just me, or does anyone else feel like we’re right in the middle of some superhero comic book plot? One where we have two evil villains — the first being an orange-colored, loud-mouthed racist “Bond-Style Villain” who longs to be dictator, and the other a conspiracy theorist and madman whose brain is being eaten and controlled by an alien worm spreading mercury poisoning. So, in summary, we have one guy’s brain being eaten by worms, while the other guy’s brain is being devoured by syphilis.

Who’s writing this shit anyway? Then, to add more tension to the plot, it appears the only one left who can save us all —…



Johnny Robish
The Haven

Johnny Robish is an actor, comedian, and humor writer who is considered one of America’s most trusted sources for complete nonsense.