Romeo & Juliet in 2021: Star-Cross’d Employees at Pfizer & Moderna Begin a Secret Romance

Two vaccines (both alike in immunity), in fair Corona, where we lay our scene…

Alice H. Lahoda
The Haven


Photo by Andrik Langfield on Unsplash

Act I Prologue


Two vaccines, both alike in immunity
(In times of Corona, where we lay our scene),
From recent outbreak in global community,
Where COVID germs make COVID hands unclean.
From forth the remedial jabs of these two foes
A pair of star-cross’d lovers share their life;
Who, despite anti-vaxxers’ piteous overthrows,
Do with their antibodies bury pandemic strife.

Act I, Scene I



O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?


Hark! My faire Juliet. Fret not, for here I am…eth?


Thou must knoweth that ‘wherefore’ means not ‘where,’ but ‘why.’ Your Lady Pfizer asketh herself: Why must her Love be of the Household Moderna?




Alice H. Lahoda
The Haven

writer, comic creator, & humorist. editor of The Belladonna Comedy. read more at: support my writing: