Salt Bae Put His Meat in My Mouth and All I Got Were These Lousy Blood Pressure Pills

It was medium, it was raw, and it was rare

Kiki Wellington
The Haven


Photo by pattonmania on iStock

“What did you think you were doing in there?” he yelled at me no sooner than we got secure in our seat belts.

“What do you mean?”

“You know what I mean!”

“I did what we went there for, to get his meat!”

I should have known the night would end in disaster as soon as we went to Salt Bae’s place. I knew his reputation for indiscriminately putting his meat in a woman’s mouth. I knew his meat had been around the world and there was no telling how many women had sucked on it, only to end up plastered all over social media, much to the humiliation of the partners who were left paying tens of thousands of dollars for the privilege.

But keep in mind, it was his idea for me to sample Salt Bae’s meat, not mine. But that bit of logic didn’t stop him from being pissed off at me.

“Did you have to enjoy it that much?”

“Well…his meat is really good.”

I knew his reputation for indiscriminately putting his meat in a woman’s mouth.

