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Forgotten Days: A love affair with Sam Shepard

Published in
8 min readJul 26, 2022


My ‘complicated’ relationship with America’s finest playwright and fair to middling actor, exactly five years after his death

“I’m not a big fan of anniversaries.” Sam Shepard

But there we have to disagree Mr Shepard. I love them. I love picturing the length of time since some film came out or a war ended, or in this case, since someone died. On the 27th of July this year it was five years since the world lost my favorite writer: Sam Shepard. He was the classic outsider maverick, whose writing rarely sat in the mainstream but was always vitally important. I first heard of him as a teenager, newly left home and at university, impressionable and eager for the wilder side of life. Sam played a big part in that. When he died, I wrote a eulogy of how our lives entangled but never tried to publish it. I hope you’re inspired to pick up one of his books or see one of his plays or films by the time you finish. I know I’ll be Cruising Paradise (1996) once the last full stop goes down.


The woman I’d just lost my virginity to was being dragged across the stage, whilst vomiting chewed up banana. She had broken her arm during the dress rehearsal and should still have been in hospital. Instead, she’d…



The Haven

I am an international award winning novelist, but as I wanted an anonymous account you’ll just have to believe me! || I often feel shocked and ready to crack ||