Schrodinger’s Cat Box

Christyl Rivers, Phd.
The Haven
Published in
5 min readMay 6, 2021


Schrodinger’s cat box is both stinky and clean

I am the ONE, photo by Roby Allario on Unsplash

Dogs drool, Cats rule

A basic thought experiment that cool cats’ hate is called Schrodinger’s box. It displays that we don’t know what we can’t observe.

If you have ever heard the romantic hell-howls of mating cats, you already know it’s not true. Some hep cat IS getting pussy cat style love. AND, you will never observe it because all cats are sneaky little perverts.

The set up

A cat, locked in a box with a hammer and a bottle of cyanide is subjected to your use of a Geiger counter to detect if any released particles indicate radioactive decay. See? Already, you know this whole idea was dreamed up by a sadistic, opium addled, nuclear terrorist, Brainiac maniac.

So many questions…

Who keeps cyanide in the pantry? What would I be doing with a Geiger counter? Do I deal in plutonium sales, or crafts, on Pinterest? A hammer and a bottle that somehow bang-thump together in a box? What!? Do I build that without a cyanide/bottle/hammer app?

Most importantly, who would be able to get a kitty to go inside a box when the damn cat won’t even go into a tuna-laced cat carrier at visit-to-the-vet day?



Christyl Rivers, Phd.
The Haven

Ecopsychologist, Writer, Farmer, Defender of reality, and Cat Castle Custodian.