Scientists: Humans Are A Mistake
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No, sterilizing yourself is not what I mean. There was an article in the NY Post a while back about young Gen Z women who are deciding to become sterilized in order to avoid reproduction.
“49% of Gen Zers are hesitant to procreate for fear of the climate apocalypse,” said the Post.
Among twenty somethings, apparently, there is a growing consensus that “humans are the problem. It’s not just that we’ve built factories and polluted the oceans and launched tons of garbage into space. It’s that there’s something about us — our psychology, our chromosomal wiring — that makes it impossible for us to make things better.”
Well, that much science agrees with. There is no longer any doubt that the next great extinction event is already well underway. I was a little disturbed this summer that no flies came into my kitchen. Here in Duluth we get huge horse flies that actually bite you and they are my mortal enemy. I have all kinds of systems to attack and destroy them and prevent them from fly pooping on my food.
This summer, no flies. None.
Weird. Something very bad is happening, there can be no doubt about that.