Sunday Sermon

Scientists: The Universe Is Not A Simulation

(But isn’t that exactly what they’d say if the universe WAS a simulation?)

Clem Samson
The Haven
Published in
5 min readMay 1, 2024


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In 2012 it was announced by physicists that they could find out whether the universe was a simulation by studying the cosmic rays.

Well, that kind of fizzled out. I guess it was too hard to study those rays, so we really still don’t have proof of this horrifying thesis that we are all stuck in a hideous cosmic video game of some sort. Personally, I hope we’re not stuck in a simulation. Of course, it’s probably better than being stuck in Mark Zuckerberg’s metaverse, which at that point I guess would be a simulation inside a simulation.

Other scientists have suggested that consciousness itself is proof of the simulation — that consciousness is a product that is produced by us, but not for us. Our consciousness is the “product” that the voyeurs watching this simulation view for their entertainment or whatever.



Clem Samson
The Haven

HJumorist, satirist, poetist, journalist. Creative Writing Prof. Buy his The Seven Labyrinths here and go post ego!