Memorial Day Sermon

Scientists: There Is A G-Spot In The Middle Of Your Head

It responds to your mental caresses with ecstasy and euphoria

Clem Samson
The Haven
Published in
5 min readMay 27, 2024


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Sarah had been depressed for over a decade. Then scientists put an implant in her head which stimulated a very specific region — what I call the G-spot of the brain.

“It’s like my lens on the world changed,” said Sarah, the research volunteer at an experimental program at the University of California, San Francisco.

After deep brain stimulation, Sarah felt her crushing depression lift, she said. “I’ve had to go through and relearn my life and relearn my activities and the things I love to do,” said Sarah, seen gardening here. “It’s been a process of reteaching myself all those skills and getting back to myself.”

The specific region of the brain is called the ventral capsule/ventral striatum, or VC/VS. Plenty of previous research on this spot has shown that it is involved with good feelings and pleasure — including orgasm. “When researchers applied tiny jolts of electrical current to this region, Sarah’s mood improved.”

Sarah felt immediate joy when the implant stimulated this spot for the first time. “I laughed out loud,” she said in the briefing. “This was the first time I had…



Clem Samson
The Haven

HJumorist, satirist, poetist, journalist. Creative Writing Prof. Buy his The Seven Labyrinths here and go post ego!