Scientists Write New Message to Intelligent Aliens: “Don’t Bother”

“The inhabitants of this planet are extremely violent, clinically insane and taste really bad.”

Clem Samson
The Haven


Beacon in the Galaxy is the latest in a series of attempts to contact other lifeforms in the universe.

Only this one is a little different.

“We decided to tell the truth in this message,” said lead NASA scientist Jonathan Jiang. “In the past we’ve put on our best face, so to speak. That was a really bad idea, it turns out.”

Forty years ago, the first message to outer space were sent. It looked something like this:

From Voyager Spacecraft

On the golden disc were included many artifacts of human culture, ranging from Shakespeare’s folio to Chuck Berry’s “Johnny B. Goode”.

Well, in this message, which is to beamed into outer space shortly, it’s basically, Johnny B. Bad.

“We’re admitting to the extraterrestrials how awful we are,” said Jonathan Jiang. “We send footage from all the wars. The pollution. The data about climate change. We don’t pull any punches. The disk we’re sending basically says, ‘We’re shit, don’t come here, we’ll probably kill you and eat you or maybe just take one



Clem Samson
The Haven

HJumorist, satirist, poetist, journalist. Creative Writing Prof. Buy his The Seven Labyrinths here and go post ego!