Song Parody

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A much-needed parody of Dionne Warwick’s “Walk on By”

Cindy Shore Smith
The Haven
Published in
2 min readJan 6, 2023


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If you don’t like what she has to say
You possess the means to send her away
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Make believe
That you’ve got more to do
Than show you’re peeved
A sigh and an eyeroll will do it
Need not verbalize

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You know that his facts are all askew
But resist the urge to stir up doo-doo
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Trolls will hide
Until you dare to post
Your diatribe
They’ll show up and spike your blood pressure
You don’t need the fight

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Don’t take sides
Just move onto cute cats
Sweet eyes…



Cindy Shore Smith
The Haven

Teacher, reader, writer, hiker, wife and mom. Blog can be found at