Sen. Rick Scott Warns Socialists, Commies, and Big Govt Lovers to Stay Out of Florida

He wants Florida to remain a place where folks are free to run multi-level marketing scams, ban books, and spread disease freely during pandemics.

Johnny Robish
The Haven


Source: Rick Scott Twitter Screengrab

In a video he posted to Twitter, Sen Rick Scott (R-Fla) issued a travel warning for those coming to Florida, proclaiming, “If you’re socialist, communist, or somebody that believes in big government (read liberals), I would think twice, think twice — if you’re thinking about taking a vacation or moving to Florida!” Scott then added, “We’re all about freedom here in Florida. And if your politics don’t align, you’re not free to come here.”

Wait! The guy who was fined $1.7 billion for Medicare fraud and who took the 5th a full 75 times said what? So, its Sen. Scott who gets to decide who can come to Florida, eh? I didn’t realize Rick Scott owned Florida. And discouraging potential tourists from visiting Florida? What a genius strategy! I mean, its not like Florida gets a lot of revenue from tourism, or anything like that. I tell ya, these MAGA politicians are nobody’s dummies. My question is, how do Florida Republican politicians plan on identifying which people are the communists, socialists, and big government advocates? I mean, it…



Johnny Robish
The Haven

Johnny Robish is an actor, comedian, and humor writer who is considered one of America’s most trusted sources for complete nonsense.