Seven (and a Half) Trivial Life Lessons I’ve Learned

If nothing else, please heed #2!

Dave Taubler
The Haven


Photo by the author

Medium is filled with articles that are, in turn, filled with important life lessons. Lessons that the author has learned over the years. Lessons that, when followed, promise to have a profoundly positive effect on the readers’ lives.

I myself have learned a lot over years of experience. And one of those things is that some of the most interesting lessons aren’t the huge and profound ones, but are instead the small, trite ones.

So in that vein, I present some of the most trivial lessons I’ve learned over the years.

That other pedestrian waiting at the corner might not have actually pushed the “walk” button

Most of us have crossed the street at busy intersections. As such, most of us are familiar with the concept of a “walk button”: this is a big, (usually) silver button that we push in order to ensure that the pedestrian signal changes, allowing us to cross the street (relatively) safely.

Normally, we would simply walk up to the corner and press the walk button ourselves. But sometimes, another pedestrian is already at the corner. In these cases, what do we do? We want to assume the best in that person. We want to…



Dave Taubler
The Haven

Software architect, engineering leader, musician, husband, dad