Simple DIY Projects With Your Ex’s Stuff

Crafty, creative, and a teensy bit of rage-filled ways to improve your home and life now that he’s gone

Jennifer Haubrich
The Haven


Photo by Remy Baudouin on Unsplash

What do you do with the things your ex left behind? You could throw them away or sell them. Legit options, but kinda boring, no?

Girl, you are so much better than that!

So today I’m humbly sharing some ideas I have for what to do with stuff your ex left behind. These projects are where therapy, fun, and recycling meet to help you move on from that loser!

Clothing from “his drawer” Scarecrow-Bird Feeder

Okay, so this may seem like a no-brainer (pun intended!), but a great little project to use clothing your ex left behind is to get some straw and stuff the shit out of them to make a scarecrow.

You don’t have a field of corn that you want to scare the bird away from?

No problem.

This isn’t that kind of scarecrow. Because what you’re using to it to attract birds.

For your scarecrow’s head, fill a tied t-shirt with birdseed and draw Bradley non-Cooper’s face on it. Don’t forget to cut holes for the eyes and nose. Stick a carrot in for a nose, a la Frosty.



Jennifer Haubrich
The Haven

Finding the funny in relationships, parenting, life, and personifying inanimate objects. Contact: