South Park Trump Tower (Jan. 6th)

Suzanne Mathis McQueen
The Haven
Published in
2 min readJan 11, 2021
Image created in Canva by author

In recognition of the anniversary of the US Capitol attack on Jan. 6, 2021, I’m republishing this article. I wrote it on that very day while watching it all come down on television. Later, more details would unfold, but I’m going to leave the piece as I wrote it from the perspective I had that afternoon.


Can’t wait for the South Park version (and mega-movie) about the last five years, ending with Pence suddenly sworn in as President for the final few days and Mob Daddy hauled out in a straightjacket spitting fire and Covid further than 6 feet while yelling about election and virus and Mueller and China and pussy fraud.

Having used up his reality show options, he decides to fulfill his witch hunt fantasy by agreeing to be burned at the stake for his numerous crimes against humanity as long as the fake news outlets doubly inflate his attendee numbers. In solidarity and patriotic boast, his followers line up to take themselves out with him. Ivanka, Eric, and Junior get their trust funds emptied to pay Capitol bldg damage, hospital bills, state & federal police, national security, election officials, FBI, and judges forced to work overtime to satisfy their father’s frivolous tantrums and delusions of grandeur. With no business prospects left, they find themselves living in rat-infested rentals they once used to own and lease to others.

South Park Trump Tower’s final scene shows no Twitter or internet in Hell, and no one knows who 45 is.

Except for Jeffrey Epstein.



Suzanne Mathis McQueen
The Haven

Author of 4 Seasons in 4 Weeks: I write about connecting with nature, the lost language of the Feminine, womb politics, business, & ridiculously funny stuff.