Pence stands alone without mask in a crowded room.
The spirit of Drumpf smiles on Pence’s less than artful dissembley at the COVID press conference. (Myles Cullen)

Coronavirus update (Hint: It’s worse)

Speech Trumps Health

Drumpf gives Pence performance C+, his an A+++

Phillip T Stephens
The Haven
Published in
4 min readJun 28, 2020


“Speech trumps health,” became one of many iconic moments from the first coronavirus press conference in months. Until Friday, no one from the CDC had addressed the virus since Drumpf declared “Mission Accomplished” while wearing a flight suit on the deck of the USS Theodore Roosevelt and forgot a pandemic ever existed.

“The good news is, the pandemic’s over,” Pence announced as members of the task force tried to hide their faces in embarrassment. “It’s gone. We’ve finally licked this thing and can go full-speed ahead. The only cases we’re experiencing now are those of people who tested positive, and the Bible tells us that if we hadn’t tested them, they wouldn’t be positive.”

Pence gave credit to Drumpf for the nation’s recovery from the virus and then recommended that those who wanted to “err on the side of completely unnecessary caution” should follow the CDC’s basic guidelines which include “washing hands and not breathing outside your home.”

“The only cases of COVID we’re experiencing now are those of people who tested positive, and the Bible tells us that if we hadn’t tested them…

