Red putty lips creating an illusion of vagina
image by ‘Samarel Eros’

Stop complaining about penis size; let’s talk about vagina size for a change?

Sex advice by Deni: Personal sex tips from a woman who knows

The Haven
Published in
6 min readJun 29, 2024


Dear deni
This is probably the most frequently asked question. Does penis size really matter to really satisfying your woman, and if so, what are the sizes? What’s the best way to do it? I’m not saying I don’t know how to work it; it’s just that I want to keep things spiced up. The wife and I are kind of having hard times right now in life, so I want to make her happy and get the engines running at full steam again. Thanks, Deni, for whatever information you can help with.

Dear TP2006,
Penis size is the easiest way to emotionally wound or put down a man. Want to upset your man? Attack the size of his penis. There are so many myths and stories circulating.

So, let’s talk facts here. And let’s tell the WHOLE story.

First, penis size is like every other human characteristic. Human characteristics are normally charted on a bell curve. Picture the shape of a bell, like the Liberty Bell (without the crack!). The higher the bell-shaped silhouette line is above the base of the bell, the larger the percentage of people that it represents at that point.

For instance, let’s talk about a bell curve that represents penis length.

The left side of the bell shape represents those men who have a very short penis. Obviously, at some point, there will only be one man with the smallest penis in the world. To my knowledge, that length is about one quarter inch. Same size as many clitorises. That is where the left side of the bell curve starts. Then there might be, say, two men who have the second-smallest penis in the world. And perhaps there are five men, with the third being the smallest.

By the time you get to the center of the curve (the highest part), half of the men in the world have a shorter penis and half have a longer penis. That length, worldwide, averages out to about six and eight inches. Yes, this includes all black men too. So, there are lots and lots of men of all colors with this particular penis length. So that part of the bell curve is very high, like where the donger hangs in a bell; it is the highest part of the bell (OK, it was a terrible pun).

On the far-right side of the bell curve, it starts out with just one man who has the longest penis in the world. To my knowledge, that man is a black man living in Africa, and his penis is over eighteen inches long. Not particularly thick, but incredibly long.

Then, working back toward the left, there may be three men who have the second-longest penis in the world. And then let’s say ten that are the third longest, and so on.

Obviously, then, the closer that your penis size is to average, the more men in the world have a penis the same length as you.

A bell curve can be constructed for anything, such as penis girth, penis volume, breast cup size, or the size of a woman’s vagina.

Now let’s talk about the size of a woman’s vagina.

The ‘Kama Sutra’ (an ancient Indian book about sex) uses three terms to describe the size of a woman’s vagina. The Kama Sutra uses the terms “Rabbit,” “Doe,” and “Elephant” to describe the range of sizes of a woman’s vagina. Obviously, a woman with a vagina the size of a rabbit would have a small and probably shallow vagina. A woman with a vagina the size of a doe (a female deer) would have a medium size, and a woman labeled an elephant would have a deep and probably loose vagina.

So let’s say that Mr. Right marries Ms. Cute. And let’s say that Mr. Right has a penis that is of average size. But let’s say that Ms. Cute has a vagina that is best described as an elephant vagina. Obviously, those relative sizes are not the most opportune fit. Ms. Cutes’ vagina, on the other hand, could easily accommodate a very large penis. She may be what you currently hear described as a “Size Queen.” In other words, her vagina requires a larger penis to feel stimulated. That is not a statement about the size or adequacy of her husband’s penis as much as it is a statement about the size of her vagina.

Let’s say, on the other hand, that the same Mr. Right marries Ms. Tiny, who has a tiny vagina. Mr. Right would not be able to put his whole penis inside her without causing her discomfort and, quite likely, bladder infections.

My point is this:

You CANNOT talk about the “inadequate” size of a man’s penis without also objectively describing the size of a woman’s vagina. That same man’s penis might be painful to a woman with a small vagina (a rabbit). So when a woman gives you heartburn about your cock size, tell her your size is fine; it is her cunt that is too damn large! Then tell me how long it took for your black eye to heal. Just joking!

Let me give you some examples from my life. One of my lovers has a penis that is seven inches long. It is about two and a half inches in diameter. It is PERFECT for my pussy (I am a doe). Another of my lovers is about the same length but much thicker.

The question is, which one is better when I have sex with them? The answer is, IT DEPENDS!

I have had lovers with a penis as small as three inches and had glorious sex. I have also had sex with a man with a HUGE penis, both in length and girth (see my story, Mr. Big). I did it for one reason. He was convinced that his cock was too big to be able to make love to a woman without injuring her. I showed him otherwise. If this tiny, five-foot-tall woman can take his cock, then surely other women who have elephant vaginas could greatly enjoy him. Because I had sex with him, he is now happily married (his words, not mine).

There are some general guidelines, however. The average man with an average penis is more than adequate for the average woman.

A woman with a huge vagina will be more likely to enjoy a man with a huge penis.

A woman with a smaller than average vagina will prefer sex with a man with a smaller penis.

Here is another fact: Black men have penis virtually the same size, statistically, as white men. And guess what? English men have a penis statistically longer and thicker than American men!

So, let’s discuss other penile characteristics that make a little difference to women. As a general statement:

Women prefer a thicker penis, not a longer penis.
Women prefer a harder penis to a longer penis.
Women prefer a man who is gentle and caring to a man with a larger penis.
Women prefer a man with long lasting stamina to a man with a larger penis
Women prefer men who will talk to them to a man with a larger penis
Women prefer a man that is a good kisser to a man with a bigger penis.

Are you recognizing a trend here? The truth is, the vast majority of women really don’t give a damn about the size of your cock. Almost ANY other criteria is more important to us.

When we say “Make Love to Me,” we really mean to take the time to talk, to kiss, to caress, to stroke gently, to “wine and dine," to kiss and caress us after orgasm, as well as when you are trying to get us turned on. Your time and attention to us are what turn us on, not your cock size.

And that is the truth. So, sweetie, forget about making your cock bigger so you can make your wife happy. All she really wants is for you to be with her, talk to her, treat her with respect, make love with her before, during, and after sex, and treat her like she is the most important thing in your life. THAT will turn her on and make her happy!

For ‘Samarel Eros’



Hm Samarel
The Haven

"Great minds fuck alike." I am an artist/editor of erotica. Find me on Amazon: