Christyl Rivers, Phd.
The Haven
Published in
3 min readJan 23, 2018


Stormy Weather Is Here For Us All

Women’s March 2.0 Sign of the Times, photo by christyl rivers

As the FEMpire of women and their allies strike back, there is still some backlash to be lashed upon those kittens who dare to carry a whip. Of course, being non-violent, our whips were visual and verbal, and although stinging, some sentiments were kinda just poking fun at some of the fatter, fat-cats.

The all inclusive marches that took place all over planet Earth for the sake of all living and sentient beings were of course, grabbed at by the man to whom any attention of any kind proves the rule that “You’re so vain, you probably think this March is about you.”

Trump tweeted over the weekend some claptrap about women triumphing in the nearly perfect economy and being duly proud of women’s progress (the three to four jobs most women must work in order to have basic food and shelter) that women have made, especially in the past year.

One can infer of course that Trump was crowing about himself. But oddly, this time is had almost nothing to do with the size of his button, hands, crowd size and fake news awards. So women and men who like freedom and basic human rights should bask in that for awhile.

Around the world people of every color, class, creed and pussy hat size marched to point out there is still a dangerous, lunatic, uncaught rat on the loose. But this is a tricky rodent, who clearly does not comprehend the courteous rules of cat and mouse engagement. He also does not speak English, play fair, or know a mouse-hole from a #?*$-hole.

Here is just a short list of the wonderful triumphs, or Trump Ups, if you will:

  • Signs suggesting that we create kindness rather than walls, and dialogue rather than hate, won the day. There was only friendly, fluffy, cattiness.
  • All of these people were exceptionally brilliant and attractive, like in a Dove diversity campaign advertisement.
  • Despite being told repeatedly that progressives have no focus, no message, no right to speak, and no allies, there was laser point focus that any quick cat could follow, and indeed, many women are campaigning, registering, showing up, and running for office as if it were a mousie on a string.
  • Mother Earth, like Lady Liberty, was in attendance. Many signs said “I’m With Her” signifying that stormy times ahead are fully anticipated, and intervention to prevent disaster CATastrophes are demanded.
  • Women who are so, so, so, very tired of having to fight for the same human rights for centuries — eons, even — were as agile, fierce and strong as kittens. They also have more stamina than a POTUS.
  • In cold places, hats with and without pussy cat ears sprouted up like Trump tweets after a Fox and Friends ‘friendly to fuhrer’ spot.
  • Most people have come to realize that it’s up to we, the people, not the shut down, shout down, (SHUT up! Donald), government we’re currently paying to serve us.
  • Most people had to march through streets where intersections broke up the march in long blocks of delay, providing a much needed visual aid toward understanding intersectionality.
  • Without golden showers, or trickle down economics, protestors were able to make their mark in a civilized and sanitary fashion.
  • Although no one has reported whether Stormy Daniels, the brave woman who is said to have taken (a rather tiny one) for the team, was in attendance, she was present in all our thoughts. As in, ‘Good god, is there ever going to be anything this horrible, treasonous, predatory, lying, sniveling, racist, sexist clown will have to answer to? Will there be consequences for Don the Con?’

March on America, and never ever doubt that a few good kitties can change the world, and we must.



Christyl Rivers, Phd.
The Haven

Ecopsychologist, Writer, Farmer, Defender of reality, and Cat Castle Custodian.