Sunday Moanin’ Blues

Why’s it such a crime to be thirsty so soon?

Spyder Darling
The Haven


Photo by Ivan Karpov on Unsplash

Semi fact. Semi fiction. For Kris, Johnny, and not to forget, Mary Lou

Sunday Moanin’ Blues

Words and music by Spyder Darling

Sunrise Sunday morning

On the Lower East Side

Stumbling drunk and grumblin’

But at least I’m alive

I don’t exactly recollect

The last couple days

Maybe in the long run it’s better that way.

How’d I get this tattoo?

Who’s Mary Lou?

How’m I gonna shake my Sunday moanin’ blues?

Pondering and wanderin’

Trying to buy beer

Everyplace I go tells me

Get outta here

Don’t you know it’s Sunday

And it’s not even noon?

Why’s it such a crime

To be thirsty so soon?

How’d I get this tattoo?

Who’s Mary Lou?

How’m I gonna shake my Sunday moanin’ blues?



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