Sunset At Mar-a-Lago

Trump plays his prophetic role of Norma Desmond

Christopher Holdroyd
The Haven
Published in
4 min readFeb 22, 2023


Sunset Boulevard poster and #45 images care of Wikimedia Commons. Mods by author.

Donald Trump, a former president, despot-in-waiting, and owner of the Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida, had decided to introduce a theater night for the resort’s members. For the grand opening performance, he had chosen to play a female lead, Norma Desmond, an aging washed-up Hollywood star, famous for her role in the movie “Sunset Boulevard”.

He ordered a custom-made costume made to fit over his flabby and wrinkled body, including a huge wig resembling a lion’s mane which was actually an improvement over his own comb-over hairstyle. He even hired a choreographer to teach him how to perform dance moves to Norma’s iconic swansong, ‘Gimme Gimme’, a favorite of his.

Performance night had finally come, and Trump strutted out on stage to perform. At the finale of Act One, there was an awkward, uncomfortable silence instead of the expected standing ovation. Perhaps the crowd hadn’t recognized him dressed as a flamboyant female. He reacted immediately and started blaming the audience, calling them names and berating them for not recognizing his incredible talent.

The crowd was getting increasingly frustrated with his behavior and the fact that he was still talking about himself as if he was a famous…



Christopher Holdroyd
The Haven

When I grow up, I want to be a wordsmithing humorist. Now, if I can only figure out this writing thing...